About us

Huddl is inspired by our own parenting journey as well as
by other mums and dads who feel there is a lack of genuine
and real-time support at local community level.

Huddl is inspired by our own parenting journey as well as by other mums and dads who feel there is a lack of genuine and real-time support at local community level.

We are excited to have you on board to share the good and bad times with other Huddl community members, who might just be going through the same thing you are.


Gosia D’Cruz

Our vision is to connect all parents in their local communities, to share ideas, stories, advice and information. Parentning can be a real rollercoaster, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. Imagine the first time parent with postnatal depression feeling alone and isolated, this doesn’t have to be the reality anymore.


Conrad D’Cruz

We wanted to create a platform which reassured parents that whatever their individual circumstances were, the Huddl community would be there for them. From experience, we know that there is a lack of genuine and real-time support at local community level and believe Huddl fills that gap.

Huddl fills that gap

By connecting parents in local communities to share ideas, stories, advice and information this fantastic app is a dedicated ‘one-stop-shop’ solution helping us all to navigate the challenges of parenting together.

Whatever your individual circumstances, Huddl and its community

will be there for you.

The ground-breaking app designed by parents for parents.

Everyone’s parenting journey is different because we are all different.

This life-changing experience can be uplifting, lonely, mind-blowing and sometimes frightening and we all need support in managing the good and bad times. We are passionate about providing that support.